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 Your modem init string should generally contain X4, &C1, and &D2

 Note that all modem commands must be given in upper case.  If you
 are in doubt about where spaces should go, leave them out.

 When you type the modem init string, it normally has no effect
 until you leave Telix/Procomm then come back in again.  However,
 Telix has a special command (Alt-M m) to test your new modem init
 string without having to leave Telix.

 If you can, turn your modem off then on again between tests.
 Otherwise you may think you have found the elusive perfect modem
 init string, when in fact it is working only because of side
 effects of commands you tried in earlier attempts.

 If have a choice of using either DIP switches or modem init
 string commands, use the switches.  If you turn your modem on and
 off, the conditions you set by switches will still be effective.
 Those set by modem init commands will be lost.

 Look in your modem book to see which commands are factory set to
 the default.  Only bother with those commands that are not
 defaulting correctly.  If that does not work, presume your manual
 has incorrectly documented the defaults.  Modem manuals are
 notorious for typos, obsolete information, and just plain wrong
 information.  Add in E0 &C1 &D2 X4 V1 S0=0 S7=45 commands whether
 they are needed or not.

 Sometimes cables are incorrectly labelled.  You may think you
 have attached your modem to COM2: when in fact it is attached to
 COM4:.  Just try all four COM port settings in your modem

See Also: X &C &D Z &W F S0 V
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson